NIK has Moved to a New Office!
Dear Partners and Customers, We are pleased to announce that NIK Ltd. has moved to a new address: Eurogate Logistics Park 12, Prodan Tarakchiev St...
NIK Ltd. took part in the scientific seminar dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Agricultural University held in Plovdiv from 14-17 October 2010, where NIK was officialy awarded a certificate for outstanding participation in Agricultural Machinery Exhibition.
NIK Ltd. took part in the National Agrarian Seminar held in Albena from 15.11 – 18.11.2010 The seminar is one of the biggest agricultural f...
NIK Ltd. took part in the scientific seminar dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Agricultural University - Plovdiv
NIK Ltd. took part in the scientific seminar dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Agricultural University held in Plovdiv from 14-17 October 2010...
NIK Ltd. took part in the XVIII International Specialised Exhibition "Agriculture and Everything About It"
NIK Ltd. took part in the XVIII International Specialised Exhibition “Agriculture and Everything About It”, held in Dobrich from 31.08 ...
NIK Training Center
Even the best products cost nothing if not used properly. That’s why we created the only Precision Agriculture Training Center in Bulgaria. NIK ...
Funding Your Ideas
The best ideas also need a support – that’s why we offer smart financial decisions that will make our customers’ business opportuni...
Trimble has provided charitable assistance to government agencies and communities
Map the Spill is a mobile app and website built by Trimble for the public to record the impacts of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Map the Spill...
ATV mounted Lightbars
Due to the rugged-cast aluminum housing, Trimble lightbars (EZ-Guide 250/ EZ-Guide 500) can be easily mounted even on ATV, thus helping each farmer ...
NIK Ltd. took part in the International agricultural show BATA AGRO 2010!
NIK Ltd. took part in the International agricultural show BATA AGRO (The Bulgarian Association of Traders of Agromachinery) held at the airport in ...