

Proper sampling and storage of samples guarantees the objectivity of soil analysis and results. That is why we work:

  • to a Standard that guarantees representation for the whole area
  • with a methodology for determining micro-zones for sampling
  • with monitoring software at all stages of the process
  • in accordance with strict rules for sample storage and transportation

What are the features of the sampling from NIK Agro Service?

  • Automated sampling with WINTEX soil samplers
  • Geo-referencing with a mobile app
  • Sampling depths in the 0 to 60 cm range
  • Monitoring sampling progress on an online platform
  • Completed soil sampling data storage and protocol issuing

The sampling is the first step in AgroBalance – the integrated solution for fertilization. The stages of the sampling are according the scope of the service subscription:

  • after harvesting the main crop for the cropping year
  • control soil sampling after vegetation
  • control soil and plant sampling during vegetation

How to determine the number of soil samples?

The number of soil samples per plot depends on the selected fertilization technology and is determined by an algorithm. In the case of a flat rate, the standard ISO 18400 is applied. In the case of a variable rate (VRA – Variable Rate Application) in order to achieve higher precision and representativeness for the defined area significantly more samples are taken compared to the ISO Standard.
